Blog #15

After flipping through the chapters of They Say/I Say, I thought that I would benefit from Chapter 7: “So What? Who Cares?” Saying Why It Matters. This chapter was about adding why each sentence you added to your essay and why it was important. It focused on “real world applications and consequences of those claims”. … [Read more…]

Blog #14

As I look back at my peer review experience, I thought it went very well and we all go some very descriptive advice from our peers on how to make our essays stronger. I think it is a good idea to peer review because it gives our classmates the chance to see how others are … [Read more…]

Peer Review Post (paper 3)

  Alexis, Great work on your essay! I really liked how you incorporated pictures of you and your family. I think it brings a very personal touch to your essay. This was a good use of the visual multimodal. I also feel like you used the spacial mode very well when you bolded, underlines, and … [Read more…]

Blog #13

After reading “I am not a Story” by Galen Strawson, I have to be honest and say that I think my beliefs relate more to Julie Beck’s essay, “Life’s Stories”. I believe that using narrative to storytell to others is a way of expressing personality. As a listener of a narrative, one can learn from … [Read more…]

Blog #12

After reading Julie Beck’s writing about narratives, I have found my own opinion on narratives. She added what a narrative does to an individual when she says “this narrative becomes a form of identity, in which the things someone chooses to include in the story, and the way she tells it, can both reflect and … [Read more…]

Blog #11

After annotating my first body paragraph of my second draft of paper two, I noticed that I have a lot of key topics in my essay, I tend to use transitions, I like to repeat myself, and I tend to not use pointing terms. I found that there were at least four key topics just … [Read more…]

Peer Review Post

    Peer Review Comment: I think overall, your paper was very organized. I felt that your transitions between each topic and between each paragraph really work well with the essay and it makes your essay an easier to follow for the reader. I also feel like your analysis for your points was very well … [Read more…]

Blog #10

My favorite brainstorming strategy is to just have an open page and I like to just write any ideas I might have. I have found this useful because I can explore the topic and I am free to write anything that comes to my mind. I also like to go through the three sources we … [Read more…]

Blog #9

Both Pinker and Lehrer use their essays to argue that science is a valuable tool to help understand the world. Pinker claims that “science gets the empirical universe; religion gets the questions of moral meaning and value”. Throughout his essay, Pinker explains how religion is not backed up by science and therefore we should strive … [Read more…]